what is objects in java

what is objects in java

what is objects in java

Understanding objects in Java is essential for any developer working with the language. Objects are the basic building blocks of Java programs and allow developers to model real-world concepts and entities. In this article, we will explore what objects are, how they are created and used, and the different ways to work with them in Java. We will cover the topic with the following sub-topics:

1.What are objects in Java
2.Creating objects in Java
3.Working with objects in Java
4.Real-world examples of objects in Java
5.Conclusion and further reading

Object-oriented programming, or OOP, is a programming paradigm that is based on the idea of objects. These objects can represent anything from a person, an animal, a car, or any other real-world object or concept. In Java, objects are instances of classes, which are templates that define the properties and behaviors of the objects they create. The properties of an object are represented by its fields, and the behaviors are represented by its methods.

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What are objects in Java

In Java, an object is an occasion (instance) of a class. A class is a blueprint or template that defines the properties and behaviors of an object. The properties of an object are represented by its fields, also known as member variables or attributes, and the behaviors are represented by its methods, also known as functions or operations.

For example, if we were to create a class called "Car", it might have fields such as make, model, and year, as well as methods such as start, stop, and drive. An object of this class would be a specific car, such as a "Toyota Camry" with the make "Toyota", model "Camry", and year "2020". The object can use the methods of the class, such as start and drive, to perform actions.

In Java, objects are created at runtime and are stored in memory. When an object is no longer in use, it can be garbage collected by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to free up memory.

Objects can also interact with each other through their methods and fields, allowing for complex and powerful applications to be built. Additionally, objects can be passed as arguments to methods, returned from methods, and stored in data structures such as arrays and lists.

Understanding objects and how they relate to classes and instances is a fundamental concept in Java and object-oriented programming. With a good grasp of these concepts, you will be able to create powerful and efficient Java applications.

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Creating objects in Java

There are several ways to create objects in Java, the most common of which is using the "new" keyword. When a class is defined, Java automatically creates a constructor, which is a special method that is used to initialize the object when it is created. The constructor is called when an object is created using the "new" keyword, and it can accept parameters that are used to set the initial state of the object.

Here is an example of creating an object of the "Car" class defined earlier:

Car myCar = new Car();

This creates a new object of the "Car" class and assigns it to the variable "myCar". The constructor of the class is called automatically, and it initializes the object.

It's also possible to create objects using constructors that accept parameters. Here is an example where we create an object of the "Car" class and set its properties using the constructor:

Car myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020);

This creates a new object of the "Car" class and assigns it to the variable "myCar". The constructor of the class is called with the values "Toyota", "Camry", 2020 and it initializes the object's properties accordingly.

Another way to create an object is by using the "clone()" method. This creates an exact copy of an existing object.

Car anotherCar = (Car) myCar.clone();

It's also possible to create objects using reflection, which allows you to create objects dynamically by calling the class's constructor and methods using the class's name, but it's a more advanced topic and not frequently used.

Creating objects is a fundamental concept in Java, and understanding how to create and initialize objects is essential for building powerful and efficient Java applications.

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Working with objects in Java

Once an object is created, it can be used to perform actions and interact with other objects. Java provides several ways to work with objects, including:

1.Accessing fields: Objects have fields, also known as member variables or attributes, that can be accessed and modified. The fields are gotten to using the dot notation, 

for example:

myCar.make; //accessing the make field of the myCar object

myCar.make = "Ford"; //modifying the make field of the myCar object

2.Calling methods: Objects have methods, also known as functions or operations, that can be called to perform actions. Methods are called using the dot notation and parentheses, 

for example:

myCar.start(); //calling the start method of the myCar object

myCar.drive(20); //calling the drive method of the myCar object and passing it a parameter of 20

3.Comparing objects: Objects can be compared using the "==" operator, which compares the memory addresses of the objects. However, this is not always appropriate, as it only compares whether they are the same object in memory. To compare the content of two objects of the same class, you can override the equals method.

Car anotherCar = new Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020);

if(myCar.equals(anotherCar)) { //compare the content of two car objects

System.out.println("Both Cars are identical.");


4.Storing objects in data structures: Objects can be stored in data structures such as arrays and lists, allowing for efficient storage and manipulation of collections of objects.

Car[] cars = new Car[3];

cars[0] = myCar;

cars[1] = anotherCar;

5.Passing objects as arguments: Objects can be passed as arguments to methods, allowing for greater flexibility and reusability of code.

public void printCar(Car car) {

System.out.println("Make: " + car.make);

System.out.println("Model: " + car.model);

System.out.println("Year: " + car.year);



Working with objects in Java is an essential skill for building powerful and efficient Java applications. Understanding how to access fields, call methods, compare objects, store objects in data structures and pass objects as arguments is key to utilizing the full power of object-oriented programming in Java.

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In this article, we have covered the basics of objects in Java. We have defined what objects are and how they relate to classes and instances. We also discussed how to create objects using the "new" keyword and constructors, and how to work with objects by accessing fields, calling methods, comparing objects, storing objects in data structures and passing objects as arguments.

We have also provided real-world examples of objects in Java, to help you understand how these concepts can be applied in practice and how objects can be used to model real-world entities.

To further your understanding of objects in Java, you can explore the topics of inheritance and polymorphism, which are fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming. You can also learn more about the "this" keyword, which is used to refer to the current object, and the "static" keyword, which is used to create class-level members.

Overall, understanding objects in Java is a fundamental concept that is essential for any developer working with the language. With a good grasp of these concepts, you will be able to create powerful and efficient Java applications that model real-world concepts and entities.